Dr Noreen Akram
Understanding and Breaking the Picking-Acne Cycle: A Guide to Preventing Breakouts.
Understand and manage the picking-acne cycle for healthier skin with Proton Health.
What We'll Cover - The Picking-Breakout Cycle.
Key Takeaways
Dermatillomania, or the picking-acne cycle, can exacerbate skin conditions like acne or eczema and cause scarring.
The cycle comprises clogged pores, inflammation, skin picking, and skin damage.
Proton Health App's three-stage program helps build awareness of picking habits, develop competing responses, and reduce the urge to pick.
Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) principles used in the app help rewire the brain's pain patterns.
Professional help, including medication when required, can support the process of breaking the cycle.
As we all know, most people pick at their skin from time to time. But if you find yourself unable to stop picking your skin to the point of causing cuts, bleeding or bruising, or you do this as a response to anxiety or stress, you might be dealing with something known as the picking-acne cycle, or skin picking disorder, also known as dermatillomania or excoriation disorder. This disorder is closely related to obsessive-compulsive disorders and can be especially problematic when associated with skin conditions such as acne or eczema.
Recognising the symptoms is the first step towards management. Frequent behaviours include picking moles, freckles, spots, or scars in an attempt to "smooth" or "perfect" them, and even doing so unconsciously or while asleep.
Unveiling the Picking-Acne Cycle
The picking-acne cycle comprises four key stages: clogged pores, inflammation, skin picking, and skin damage.
Clogged Pores: Acne primarily occurs due to excess oil production and dead skin cells, which clog pores and initiate the cycle.
Inflammation: These clogged pores lead to skin inflammation, making the skin appear red and swollen.
Skin Picking: For those with dermatillomania, inflamed skin tends to trigger the urge to pick, attempting to "smooth" or "perfect" the skin.
Skin Damage: Picking the skin can exacerbate inflammation, risk infection, and potentially cause scarring. Furthermore, this process can lead to even more clogged pores, creating a vicious cycle.
Breaking the Picking-Acne Cycle with Proton Health
Breaking this complex cycle requires a comprehensive approach that addresses each stage of the process. Enter the Proton Health App, which offers a three-stage program designed to combat the picking-acne cycle effectively.
Building Awareness: The first stage involves using the app's Pickometer, a tool to count and track your picking habits. The app also helps identify situations that make you prone to skin picking and creates a plan to help you break free.
Habit-Reversal: The second stage focuses on developing a competing response—an alternate action you can take when you feel the urge to pick. If your competing response doesn't work, the app has an SOS Plan ready to prevent further skin damage.
Picking Suppression: The final stage utilises tips and stress reduction techniques to keep your picking-acne cycle at bay. The app uses cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) principles to rewire your brain's pain patterns and help reduce the urge to pick.
It's important to note that breaking the picking-acne cycle is not an overnight process. It requires time, effort, and a consistent approach. However, by being aware of your triggers, taking steps to manage them, and using supportive tools like the Proton Health App, you can make significant strides towards breaking free from the cycle.
In Conclusion
Understanding the picking-acne cycle is the first step towards managing and eventually overcoming it. It's a process that involves recognising the cycle, identifying triggers, and replacing harmful habits with healthier ones.
Professional help can further enhance your progress, particularly cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and habit reversal training, which are widely recognised as effective treatments for dermatillomania. When needed, medication might also be prescribed by a healthcare professional.
By using tools like the Proton Health App and seeking professional assistance, you're not just tackling the symptoms, but addressing the root cause and breaking the cycle. It's a journey to healthier skin and a healthier mindset, one step at a time.